Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Day Home Sick Is Still Better Than A Day At Work

So I've been sick since Saturday night.  I stayed home from work yesterday and am staying home again today.  I've got a nasty cough, sinus congestion and runny nose.  Sounds like your standard cold, but it doesn't feel like it.  Ugh.  I haven't been running since Saturday and I really, really want to...  so should I risk it, or should I wait until I feel better?  I'm planning to see a doctor today.

I really hate being sick.


Christy said...

Rest up! I know, rest totally sucks, but it's worth it. As long as you get back to running by the end of the week, your endurance will still be there.

Tyson H said...

I am sorry you are sick.

Connie Baldwin said...

Don't run till you are better!

Marathonman101108 said...

Normally I'd say "suck it up and run." Since you're coughing, congested, and have a runny nose, I also vote "No." Why run with snots running out of your nose and coughing up a lung and some lung butter?! Man, if that mental picture wasn't enough to discourage you from running, then nothing is! REST.