This was pre-epidural. It cracks me up.
My labor was easy... until it came time to push. Baby Girl (oh, her name is Katie, by the way) was stuck in my pelvis. Sort of diagonal and they couldn't figure out if she was posterior or not. She was. But she was stuck on my tailbone and every time that I would push, she would come down a little... and when I stopped pushing, she would suck back in. I pushed for over 4 hours. The doctor finally got her turned in the last 5 minutes of pushing and then used a vacuum to help her come out. It was pretty intense.
I'm recovering. She was totally worth it.
My water broke at 10:30pm on Tuesday the 19th. I had been having contractions all afternoon and evening without realizing what they were. When I got to the hospital at 11pm, I was already dialated to a 3. An hour later I was at a 6 and then just before 1am I was to a 9... the doctor came in and said - that's not a 9... that's a 10 and it's time to push! But she wasn't coming down, so they hooked me up to Pitocin and let me rest for a few hours to see if she would move down on her own. We started pushing again just after 4am and Katie was born at 8:48am.
6lbs 7.4 oz and 19 inches long. A pretty good size for a 35 week baby. She hasn't had any problems, other than a little jaundice that she had to be under lights for.
We are totally and completely in love with her.